At Annie’s ELC, we strive to foster diversity by offering a broad curriculum and encourage individualization of the learning process; furthermore, we foster curiosity through creative teaching; And also focus on awakening creativity through alternative didactic processes that puts less emphasis on standardized testing. Much of the present education fosters conformity, compliance, and standardization rather than creative approaches to learning. However, we can only succeed if we recognize that education is an organic system, not a mechanical one. We believe that there is a wealth of talent that lies within all of us, the key is to unleash the talent and nourish it. The strategy adapted to achieve this is to personalize and customize education to the needs of each child rather than using standardized education approach.
Early education is the first and most critical stage of lifelong learning. Neurological research has shown that 90% of brain growth occurs during the first five years of life, and 85% of the nerve paths develop before starting school. The idea is that before seven they learn best through play, so by the time they finally get to school they are keen to start learning. Annie’s ELC will ensure a creative learning environment for your child establishing the building blocks upon which your child can cement a bright future.
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